Well, the internet has done it once more.... At the weekend I had one of those odd thoughts that flashes in your noggin, and you wonder where the hell it came from. It was quite an odd one too, for some unknown reason (maybe I'd been eating a lot of cheese), I suddenly thought of Frank Skinner dancing in his pants!!! Now rest assured, this wasn't some odd perverse kink resting in the depths of my brain, y'see I'd already seen him do it before... on his TV Show, probably a good 15 years or so ago. I think that odd computerised 'Dancing Baby' phenomenon was all the rage at the time, and Skinner did a parody of it. But have I thought of it once between now and then? Not till the weekend I hadn't no.
I was convinced that I must be the only person on the planet to remember it, but called up YouTube anyway just to confirm it.... Incredibly, all I had to type in was "frank skinner d...." and YouTube kindly filled in the blanks, yes "frank skinner dancing in pants" has received almost 83,000 views since Langstond78 posted it! Amazing!
I don't know exactly what it is about this clip (is it the cheery smile? the jaunty arm and leg movements? the pants??!), but after 15 years it still made me snigger (ah, maturity and sophistication are wonderful things!).
So now it's only fair that I share Frank Skinner dancing in his pants with you too! (no, really, there's no need to thank me, it's all part of the service).
And this is what I think he was parodying:
Rebellion Releases — 19 February 2025
9 hours ago
Gee, thanks, lol.
Damn youtube. You just about CAN find anything on it.
No, no, I can't bring myself to watch it. NO!
Heff - i'm sure you've heard a lot about the quality of British TV... it doesn't get any better than a chat show host dancing in his pants...
ISBW - it's only 11 seconds!! How bad can it get??!
Pants I think
Aw, bloody hell...why did I let you talk me into that, Piley?
The baby performing some kinda freaky voodoo dance scares me!
Frank is a kitten in saggy pants in comparison.
They do say that 90% of the population use the internet to look at people without any clothes on.
Ha ha!! Love it - brought a smile to my face on an otherwise dull day - cheers Piley!
I can't believe I watched that.
Further - definitely pants Sir!
ISBW - Aw, i'm sorry! You shoulda fought harder!
JnT - Ah, the first ones to mention the other vid! And yes, uncomfortable. I hated that thing at the time too.
John - Hmmm, looks like i'm in the 90% then... but then again he DID have some clothes on!
You're welcome John (think I ruined ISBW's day!)
Cocktails - I won't tell... ;-)
That was me by the way.
jury's out there Carl??!
Cant be 15 years ago Piley, isn't that Britney on his show? Didn't she take to drugs straight after? Frank seems to be enjoying it a bit too much for my liking.
yup, thin you are spot on Warble... I've had a little search and am prety sure this must be 11 years old. Britney had her 1st number 1 single in 1999, the same year that the tune Skinner's dancing to was released (Vengaboys)... And actually, that has worked out why the random thought of Frank Skinner dancing in his pants came into my head - I heard that song on the radio over the weekend!! I must have that and Frank in his pants permanently linked in my brain!
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