Well, you may have thought it was safe by now, but just as we lulled you into a false sense of security, Mondo and I are back with our first Podrophenia podcast of 2010! With a new year upon us, it was an ideal time to re-evaluate the format and update some of the features... which we did, briefly, before deciding to keep with much the same 'ol stuff and unscripted nonsense as last year.. This time around the theme is 'Family', so why not invite Auntie Joan and your cousin Fred round for a listen?
As well as all the usual waffle, you'll find 10 tunes (all related by relations), our Newsround (featuring two family (ish) related stories), and not so much a Wood-Watch, more a Watch-Woods-Wood... It'll all make sense when you hear it (possibly).
You can listen to it right here:
Or if you prefer, download it here:
Podrophenia Show 8
You can also pick it up on iTunes here:
Podrophenia Show 8 on iTunes
Another splendid offering. You lads go from strength to strength...
Thanks ISBW! Glad you liked it!! Really will try and ditch Woodwatch v soon, I need him to go into hibernation or something...
No,no - don't ditch Woodwatch! It's been one of the few things that's got a laugh out of my hubby since he smashed his arm up.
Another cracker. You've finally recovered from the Christmas party podcast then. It was great to finally hear some of your uncle's stuff. It must have been a proud moment, even more so to find out that your dad actually wrote the song. Good to hear Mondo chipping in with one from his uncle. he doesn't seem to be quite so generous with the copies though. Anyway, gotta go, I've got this immense craving for a family sized bag of Monster Munch.
haha! OK, OK. back, by popular demand... Woodwatch!!!
Hi Martin, thanks for your comments, pleased it hit the spot for you. You enjoy those Monster Munch, a 'grab bag' perhaps?? and they say there's a recession??!! pah!
Woodwatch... Mr Monster Munch....
Stupidly I listened to this in the gym the other day and embarrassed myself by laughing quite hard in response to their sorry tales.
Whoops, sorry about that Cocktails! I think you and ISBW are starting a trend of snorting in the Gym during Podrophenia playbacks!
What an idiot that Mr Munch was... now had he changed his name to Freddo, well that would be understandable...
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