I was delighted to receive Magic Ships' debut CD ‘Love Tel Motel’ last week - regular readers will already know them as fellow blogger Axe Victims' band. Over on his site, we’ve seen this project go from a twinkle (or maybe a ‘twang’) in Axes’ eye, through to final fruition with the album release and accompanying gig to launch it last weekend. The regular blog updates certainly added to the whole appeal for me, and gave a great insight into the labour of love that goes into getting a project like this off the ground… Over the months I’ve heard the demos, read about the rehearsals and recording sessions, viewed various potential designs for the artwork, and been privy to all the trials and tribulations the guys have been through on the way. So to see the final product drop through the letterbox was rather satisfying even for me… imagine how Axe and his (magic) shipmates must be feeling??!
Ok, so I’ve already appreciated all the hard work and effort that went into getting the CD off the ground, but how does the finished article fair? Pretty damn well actually! And it’s just about lived in the CD player ever since I got it!
It’s obvious from the outset that these guys know their stuff, they are experienced musicians with an in-depth knowledge of music. As they storm through this blistering, riff laden, 10 track album there are nods to everyone from the Stones and the Faces to the Byrds and Neil Young. From the Black Crows to Oasis and even the Fratellis. Vocally, Axe evokes comparisons with Mark Lanegan, Joe Cocker and Leon Russell.
But don’t go thinking this is some pseudo sound-a-like album, Magic Ship are much smarter than that. There is a restrained light touch on all the influences… a dash of Lynyrd Skynyrd, a drop of Tom Petty, a sprinkling of Primal Scream… What comes out is 100% Magic Ship.
So if you’re looking for a bona fide rocker to see you through the (long?! hot?!) summer, Magic Ship could be just the band for you – Gawd bless ‘er, and all who sail in her!

All the links you need:
Magic Ships' Official Website
Axe Victims' Blog
Buy Love Tel Motel from Stone Island Records
Piley, that was a really well written and very thoughtful piece about our album. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you giving it your consideration. You really ought to think about turning 'pro' and sending a few reviews into some magazines and websites for consideration. In my opinion you have what it takes to earn a living from your writing.
BTW - the album just came out today on CDBaby.com http://cdbaby.com/cd/magicship
Axe - the pleasure was all mine, thanks for recording such a rockin' album!
I'll keep bashing out the articles Axey, if anything ever comes of it, i'll be over the moon!
All the best
I've jumped on the podcast bandwagon.
Go to
It'll make your ears bleed..
nice one Ad... i'm on it!
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