The Wilko Johnson Band, Live at The Oysterfleet, Oil City, Thames Delta, Essex - 28th November 2010. A.K.A a night out with a bunch of Blockheads!
To the uninitiated, there is probably a view that all gigs are the same; you go along, act comes on stage, you watch, they go off, you go home.... and whilst that is probably a description at its most basic level, we all know there is much more going on than that. Each and every gig is totally unique, and they can all evoke very different feelings and emotions;
Marc Almond's torch songs can be genuinely touching and sad, Neil Hannon's clever lyrics and audience banter can have the whole place howling with laughter, The Prodigy can make every pair of feet in the house dance, Take That can have a whole arena singing the words to every single song (I assume, not a fan!), and an Oasis gig can make you drink 10 pints of lager and start a fight with a stranger....
So what particular brand of enjoyment does a Wilko gig trigger then? Well, amongst many other things, I'd have to say that a lesson in pure unadulterated musicianship is high on the list.

Back in the late 90's through to the mid 2000's, I saw The Pirates a number of times - Johnny Kidd's original backing band. Watching Mick Green's guitar work was worth the entry fee alone. I've never seen anyone play quite like he was able to, and the sounds he squeezed out of his guitar were simply amazing. I'll always remember walking up to the stage with a friend after one of these gigs, to see exactly what pedals and kit Mick had as his disposal. We were both open mouthed when we saw that there were no pedals and no kit! Just a Fender Telecaster plugged directly into an amp. Every sound he created was man-made. Sadly, Mick passed away earlier this year, but I will always look back on those gigs with great fondness.

And just when you thought the evening had rocked till it couldn't rock no more.... "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Lew Lewis!". Right there, up on that same stage... Original member of the Southside Jug Band with Lee Brilleaux back in the late 60's, early member of (Paul Grey era) Eddie and the Hot Rods, Feelgood and Wilko solo collaborator, and legendary harmonica player to boot! The last I heard of Mr Lewis was when he got 7 years at Her Majesties pleasure for an attempted armed robbery!

What a night! It was one of those gigs that makes you thank the Lord that you became a music nut... the best hobby in the world!! imagine being oblivious to all this!

Oh, and if that wasn't enough, support came from the excellent 'Eight Rounds Rapid', featuring a cracking young guitarist by the name of Simon Johnson... yup, you guessed it, son of Wilko!
Not from the Canvey show, but a great live clip of Wilko and Norman doing the Feelgood classic 'She Does It Right':
not taken from the Canvey gig, and not the greatest of sound quality... but a great little peep into a Wilko gig from side of stage, and some fabulous Wilko and Norman gurnin' and a rockin' too!
'Wilko is a man who doesn't look right without a Telecaster strapped to him.'
Errr sorry Piley, but that ain't no Telecaster!
Bloody hell, a Fender! I can see it in my own pics! I wrote it from memory, as I thought the man was always championing Tele's... Good spot Anon!!
Wish I'd been a bit livelier in getting me tickets, this would have right up my Benfleet High Road..
Seen storming Norman a couple of times now (with Ian Dury and The Blockheads and Blockheads at Village Green last year). He's a stunning player with crab-like hands that crawl around the fretboard..check the bass run to Rhythm Stick to see how nimble fingered he is..
PS did you know, the bass on Frankie's Relax is played by Norm ?
yeah, shame about that Mond. Will give you the nod early if I hear of any more local bashes. He always seems to be playing somewhere, but oddly not all that often in Essex.
Yes, saw Norm' at the Blockheads gig last year - "crab-like hands"!! like it! very accurate.
Ahh 'legendary harmonica player'...I really love some serious harmonica sounds, sounds like a cracking night out Piley.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a lovely New Year too!
"Oysterfleet" ?
That's what I get when I eat too much seafood.
Merry Christmas & shit, Piley !
Did Eight Rounds Rapid used to be called Meatfist?
They used to be really good
JJ - Yes! "legendary" harmonica player! None of your 'alright' harmonica players here!! T'was a top night, well worth a peep if they ever head your way. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year too.
Heff - step away from the seafood... likewise, hope you had a blast.
Sam - no idea I'm afraid, I know nothing about them, and can find out nothing about them either! They were good tho!
I was going to point out the obivious but Anon got there - i.e. he has a vintage looking Strat in his mitts in the photos. Which frankly doesn't look right but I know I've seen footage of him using a Strat onstage with the Feelgoods so...
Norman - what a bass player! Saw the old Wilko line up at a pub in Medway with a mate some years back - brilliant
F-Ron, yeah well worth seeing aren't they?
Weird about the telecaster\strat business. Not being a player I don't always notice these things, but one thing I have noticed over the years is how much Wilko bangs on about Teles!
eight rounds rapid support Wilko and company again at shoreham on May 14th. They were called meatfist.
look at
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