You remember that game on Sesame Street huh? A selection of things shown on the screen, and you had to spot which one was the odd one out? Well I'm delighted to report that W.H Smiths are bringing back this fine old tradition, and I spotted their first quiz at lunchtime today.
Just in front of their new release DVD's proudly stood a display of 'seasonal' titles. You know what it's like, as soon as the calender clicks over to December, you can't resist an over schmaltzy film or two. I perused the slightly lopsided metal rack with a warm glow in my heart, but on closer inspection, I'm not sure the person in charge of setting up the display was perhaps the DVD expert that W.H Smiths had hoped...
Apologies for the shaky picture (had to use my mobile phone), but can you spot the odd one out?

Why not listen to the soundtrack of this Sesame Street clip whilst you play along?
Dad? Can we watch SpongeBob Christmas or The Grinch?? You'll watch Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence and like it, the suicide bit will get you right in the mood....
Ha ha, that's great. You can't beat clueless people in shops can you? I actually have that David Bowie classic in my to watch pile at the moment.
No doubt to be watched with a glass of egg nog, a mince pie and tinsel wrapped round the dvd remote!
On a similar note, has anyone seen the Revels advert filmed parodying the harrowing prisoners forced to play russian roulette scene from The Deer Hunter? WTF is that about?
Took me awhile to get it, lol !
PH - yeah that is odd... Mind you, they missed a trick in The Dear Hunter. Had they used the threat of getting that manky orange one they'd have really upped the ante.
Heff - good man! My shaky photo didn't help matters!
Well we've each got spontaneous laughter out of the other this evening, Piley. Bloody wonderful.
Let's call it a draw ISBW! (although your's was much better!).
Glad you liked! I almost didn't post it, and thought it was 'just me'.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas if me and The Number One Son didn't sit down and watch Die Hard: Christmas Eve at the Nakatomi Plaza hits the spot every time.
That is just brilliant
It is a shame that the old days of knowledgeable shop staff are a distinct and distant memory of the past. One thing that the internet has finally put paid to is companies needing to employ people who actually know about the stock... Waterstones seems the only high street shop trying to resist that trend but I wonder how long that'll continue
Bagged it straight away, very seasonal - Batman Returns is one you can crack on at Christmas: all that snow and superhero scuffles..
JM - bloody hell, Die Hard! Great call on the non-Christmas Christmassy film! There's got to be a list of these! Wasn't the first Lethal Weapon film set at Christmas too?
F-Ron - That's a good point, shop assistants by and large have no 'expertise' any more do they? In the old days each section would be run by someone with knowledge of the area. Even the lady on the pen counter at WH Smiths was convincing when choosing between a Parker and a Paper Mate!
Mondo - Another non-Christmas, Christmas classic! gotta list em!
What do you mean, manky orange one. That was always my favourite, along with the discus shaped chocolate one. Good to see that WH Smith are setting high standards on the staff front.
Never have seen that Bowie film !!!!!!. It would be the one i'd go for, fackin' hate xmas films !!!!!.
Martin - the orange one is most certainly manky!! I wish there was a way you could be sure before biting into it, and for that reason, i NEVER buy Revels!
Carl - It's definitely one of his better performances (still not saying much I know, although a massive DB fan, I've never thought him much of an actor), but not one i'll be digging out again any time soon.... unless of course you are looking for the idea film for the family on Christmas afternoon!!!
The only Bowie film I can actually enjoy is The Man Who Fell To Earth, but I don't think his acting is any better. It's just that his vaguely wooden appearance actually suits the portrayal of an alien being. Assume that it's good acting at your peril!
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