As a lifelong fan of Laurel and Hardy, I thought it was about time I tried to find out a bit more about their visit to my home town. I've always know they came here, but no more detail than that. I've been researching and writing this for a few weeks, and much like the Odeon piece, it's grown into a bit of an animal! Apologies for the length of this post, but below is everything I have been able to find out about their time spent here, where they stayed and the places they went, all topped off with that great personalised story at the end.
The duo made their first UK theatre tour in July and August 1932, when they were at the height

Having made and released what was to be their final film - the unwatchable Atoll K (AKA Utopia) - the pair, now both in their sixties, returned once again in 1952. Again, the best part of a year was spent in the British Isles (Feb to Sept). Stan and Ida Laurel and Ollie and Lucille Hardy travelled by train from London to Southend Victoria Station on Sunday 3rd August, and on Monday 4th August they began a week long residency at the Odeon cinema in Southend.
Here is a picture of the duo backstage at the Odeon on the 4th August, presenting usherette Eileen Winfield with a 'Courtesy and Service' star!
There were two performances a day at the Odeon (6.30pm and 8.40pm), with an extra matinee (2.30pm) thrown in on the opening day and also on Saturday 9th. Tickets were 5', 3'6 and 2' (25p,
17½p and 10p!). It was very much a variety show, with 7 acts going on before the main event. They were, in order:
The Lonsdale Sisters ('modern' rhythmic dancers)
Lorraine (the singling cartoonist!!)
The Aerial Kenways (highwire\trapeze act)
Archie Elray & Co (ventriloquist act)
The Great Cingalee (silent man of mystery in wonders of the East!)
Jimmy Elliot (animal mimic)
MacKenzie Reid & Dorothy (Scottish accordionists)
So judging by that lot I'd imagine it was a blessed relief when the stars of the show finally appeared on stage!! For their slot, Laurel and Hardy performed a newly written sketch entitled 'A Spot of Trouble'. In the sketch, Stan and Ollie meet at a railway station. They have missed their train, so decide to 'bed down' for the night on a bench (under a sign stating 'no loitering'). A policeman arrives, and threatens to arrest them, unless they are prepared to carry out a staged robbery at the police chiefs house, to enable the policeman to get in his good books.... a predictably chaotic routine ensues!
Here's their entry in the programme:Not taken in Southend (as far as I know), but here are some photos of Stan and Ollie performing 'A Spot of Trouble' in the UK in 1952:
As with every town they visited, the boys were mobbed everywhere they went, but they were more than happy to spend time with their fans. One girl wrote to Stan whilst they were in Southend to tell him that her surname was the same as his (Jefferson). She got a reply, and an invite to meet the duo! During their week in Southend, a rival theatre (The Regal in Tyler’s Avenue) were running a show featuring 'Burton Lester’s Midgets', and the stars of both theatres met up for a photograph:
Whilst performing in Southend, Laurel and Hardy stayed at the Palace Hotel, the most prestigious hotel in the area - in fact it was the only 5 star hotel on the South East coast at that time. It was a grand Edwardian building directly overlooking the Thames Estuary and Southend Pier, and inside the foyer was a very striking sweeping staircase leading to the upper rooms.
Here are Stan and Ollie standing on the balcony at the Palace Hotel (with what looks to be Southend pier directly behind them):These two pictures were taken inside the Palace Hotel on Friday 8th August 1952, when a luncheon was laid on in their honour by the Essex Odeon cinema managers:
During the luncheon, Stan and Ollie were asked to present lapel badges to each of the managers:
Whilst staying at The Palace Hotel, Laurel and Hardy visited fortune teller Madame Renee in her booth just below the hotel on Pier Hill. Soon after a signed picture appeared on the wall of her booth which read "To Madame Renee, Many thanks for the excellent reading. Next time we will wash our hands". Stan also managed to meet up with a very old friend whilst stationed on Southend seafront. Stan had worked with Ted Desmond in the theatres before he went to America. It turned out that Ted was now running one of the amusement arcades!
Here's a little background on the place that Stan and Ollie called 'home' for that week in 1953.
The Palace opened in 1904 on the site of the Pier Hill fun-fair, and was originally called the Metropole Hotel. Here it is shortly after opening in 1905 (photo taken from the pier):
During World War I the hotel temporarily became the Queen Mary Royal Naval Hospital. Here's a couple of pictures taken during that period (1914 - 1918):

Here it is in the late 1980's:

Despite working a 10 minute walk from it, I don't go down to the seafront that often. However I did wander down last week (for the purposes of this post) only to discover that much of scaffolding is now finally off! I took the photos below, and have to say it's looking very nice indeed... although I was disappointed to see that the words 'The Palace' have now been removed from the frontage.

The whole time the restoration has been going on, it has been unclear what the future holds for the building once complete. One story was that the University of Essex (the ones for whom the Odeon was finally knocked down) want it for halls of residence and a conference centre. another said the developer was 'going it alone' and will reopen it as a high class hotel. The new banner draped over the front of the building last week would seem to confirm the latter, with the news that the opening of the Park Inn Hotel, Restaurant and Conference Centre will be announced soon. A real shame to change the name though after almost 100 years.
Anyway, back to Andy's story (you thought I'd forgotten didn't you??!)... Andy and E.F Rice's grandfather, William Barton (aka Sam), was a professional musician and played double bass in a number of bands from the 40's right through to the 70's. He worked in the music halls, in orchestra's and in cabaret bands, as well as touring with the comedian Arthur Lucan's "Old Mother Reilly" show. In the early 1950's William Barton settled in Southend, as that was where a number of his wife's family had relocated to from London. He carried on as a part time musician, mainly in pubs and clubs around the seafront and at some time in the early fifties began working with keyboard player Sid Uren and drummer Harry Day. For the next twenty odd years they played together as the Sid Uren Trio. They stopped performing as a band in the seventies, but remained the best of friends until William Barton passed away in 1979. Harry remained in contact with the family, and even attended Mrs Barton's funeral in 2005. And it was at this funeral where Andy came to hear Harry's brilliant tale....
Harry Day and William Barton were regular musicians at the Palace Hotel in Southend, and were playing there whilst Laurel and Hardy were performing at the Odeon. After the performance one night, Stan Laurel was relaxing in the Palace Hotel bar listening to the band. Inevitably they got chatting, and during the course of the conversation, Harry Day happens to mention that he and his wife have just had a baby. Stan is genuinely thrilled, and incredibly says that he'd like to meet Harry's wife Rose to congratulate her, and toast the baby's health! Harry says OK, but wonders when they could possibly do it? "how about now" says the enthusiastic Mr Laurel! So without further ado the pair set off for Harry's home in Fairfax Drive, Wescliff. It's getting late by this time, and the sound of the key in the door followed by voices initially brings a luke-warm response from Rose.... "Harry, you brought someone home with you?" she warns.... "erm, yes" comes the rather sheepish reply... "it's Stan Laurel". Rose changed her tune pretty sharpish after that and offered them both a cup of tea, to which Harry replied "we're not here to drink tea". A full bottle of whisky was found and the three of them sat up until the early hours of the morning chatting and drinking! Around 4 or 5 in the morning, Stan said that he should be going and Harry drove Stan back to the Palace hotel (I don't suppose drink driving had been invented back then!!).
This story does odd things to my brain! In my mind there are Laurel and Hardy... and there is also the dowdy back streets of my home town - two completely separate things, and it shouldn't be possible to relate them! I drive to work every single day down Fairfax Drive, where one of my greatest heroes once drove too! Amazing! I must say that since learning of this story, I now think of Stan every morning as I drive to work!
Harry Day died in September 2006, and right up to the end he was still living in the same house in Fairfax Drive than Stan Laurel visited more that 50 years previously.
Laurel and Hardy are kept alive and well in the area thanks to the Southend branch of the official fan club - The Sons of the Desert. The Southend branch is called Saps at Sea. Amongst other things they hold regular meetings (showing films, memorabilia etc) on the 2nd Sunday of every month at the Naval & Military Club, Royal Terrace, between 5.30pm-8.30pm. I'm sure they will be delighted to see you, and will no doubt offer you a 'hardy' welcome... (sorry!). Also check out their website to find out how to become a member, and fine out even more about that legendary visit of the boys to Southend - Saps at Sea.
I always enjoy hanging around here and your posts just keep getting better and better. My missus bought me the L&H Box not long ago and I am still working my way through it. I have very fond memories of me and my brother and my old man laughing like a drain at all those old movies. I also enjoy these 'Round our Way' type features of yours mate. Relly good stuff.
Top post. I still need to find the time to watch the boxset that Col's on about.
You're a member of the Sons of the Desert fan club aren't you?
at least the hotel has been refurbed not pulled down
Absolutely incredible P - and right on our doorstep too. Amazing. And to add a finishing touch one of the guests at our wedding (and you'll remember there were only a few) was Sid Uren's step-daughter..
PS - I'm sure that fortune teller booth was still going into the seventies
When you set out to do some thing you really do it right mate. I take my hat off to you for the time and effort you put in here. Stan Laural in Fairfax Drive (i too drive that way all the time)unbelievable mate, i could not help grinning as i read this bit, fantastic. I was a massive fan as a kid and i remember wtach L&H with my Dad and literally crying laughing. Do you remember that guy with the big sacrey eye's who used to stare at them ? i used to howel laughing at him. I've not watched any L&H in some thing like 20 years though. I really don't know if it would make me laugh now so i've kinda avoided it. What i loved about the piece was that they seemed like genuine people , how many stars today would go back to a strangers house for a drink and chat ?. I really enjoyed this bit of local history P, this is one of the best posts you have ever done mate. Tip top sir .
Shit, I'M not even old enough to remember these bastards, lol !
Bloody hell, Piley, you're producing some great posts at the moment.
I was aware that Laurel and Hardy had played in Southend some years ago, but the level of detail you've uncovered here is incredible.
A fantastic post that actually brought a tear of happiness to my eye. Keep up the good work, mate.
I'll think of us shifting your dishwasher onto the drive pre-podcast a couple of weeks ago as a tribute their local connections
Col - why thank 'e kind Sir! I trys me best... although I worry that I am boring people to death with em at times!
Ist - I'm a lapsed member mate... was in the 'Helpmates' tent for a few years, and briefly in the 'Saps at Sea' tent when they started one in Southend... But to be honest, there is little news on two blokes who have been dead for nearly 50 years!! I was in the Tony Hancock fan club for a number of years, he was pretty quiet too...
Further - yeah, fair point. It's faired better than the Odeon at least.
Mondo - thanks chap, glad you liked it. I can picture that fortune teller booth too... bout half way up pier hill, near that tatty tat shop that sold all manner of crap.
Thanks Carl, the L&H films still work really well mate. I've had a few goes in my adulthood, and they are still really good. I just think you laugh at different things as you get older. It's like Dads Army... there is something for everyone. When I was a kid I loved Dads Army, and in particular Pike and Jones... I still love Dads Army, except Pike and Jones are the two most annoying characters!!! As a kid I thought Wilson was a boring character, but now he's about the best, I get the subtleness of it now. L&H are the same, used to laugh at the pratfalls etc as a kid, but now I can enjoy the hopelessness of their attepts to do things (and often see myself in there!). Those frustrated looks to the camera that Ollie used to do, they annoy each other to death (in the films) yet they still love each other, and look ot for each other. Timeless stuff.
Yes, thats James Finlayson you are thinking of... he was first rate wasn't he?!! Did you know that the Homer Simpson cray of 'Doh!" was taken directly from JF?? Fact!
Heff - man it must be annoying being a teenager dude...
Dan - glad you enjoyed it! It's been a labour of love (much like the Odeon one was). Has taken about 3 or 4 weeks to do in total, but in all honesty, what I really wanted to do was preserve that story at the end. Everyone involved in the story is now dead, and it's the kind of thing that will end up being forgotten. The rest of the post sort of grew up around it really!
Mondo... "to you, to mee, to you..." A fitting tribute to the boys, i agree... ;-)
James Finlayson i salute you , fantastic !!!!!.
Fantastic post Piley. Massive Laurel & Hardy fan as you know and we have enjoyed some great conversations and London exhibitions pursuing our love for them !
I am really touched you have a story on here from my brother and involving my family. Harry was a cracking fella and he was very close to my Grandfather and my late Father, all of whom enjoyed the odd tipple together ! I remember Harry telling Andy and myself this story at my Gran's wake very well. In typical fashion before Harry started to tell the story I offered him a drink, he said yes please and I said tea or coffee? His reply was 'No thank you, can I have a drink please !' .... I unscrewed the whiskey from the cupboard immediately !
Harry was a massive Laurel and Hardy fan and he couldn’t wait for a trip to the States the following year to meet up with some old friends who knew Stan and Ollie. I never got the chance to speak to him after his trip as he sadly passed away, but I will always remember him and this particular story.
Carl - DOH!!!
EF - Great stuff, I'm glad you liked it. This was too good a story to let slip away. I hope this post will preserve it for a few more years at least.
Blimey I never knew Stan had been to Fairfax Drive!!! I'll think of him too now whenever I wander 50 yards to it at the end of my road.
Fantastic post, Piley.
As a fellow Southender, I had no idea that Laurel and Hardy visited the town, let alone went for a drink in a house in Fairfax Drive. Amazing stuff - surreal, in fact.
Another fascinating historical lesson and tale Piley. I love these posts.
Wil Harrison.com
Fantastic stuff, Piley. L&H were unbeatable - Chaplin always gave me the creeps and Buster Keaton looked so severe, but you couldn't do anything but love those two. I had a vague idea they'd been to Southend but you brought it to life.
Did you know Stan Laurel was listed in the LA phone book right up to the day he died? A complete gentleman, and presumably without an enemy in the world. Imagine someone like Jim Carrey taking that kind of risk now...Stan was a hard task master, though, whereas Ollie just wanted to go off and play golf. Bless 'em both.
Marmite - yes, it does odd things to the brain doesn't it??!! No doubt you can 'up' the price of your flat as and when you sell... "only 50 yards from historic Stan Laurel site"...
Thanks Dave, glad you liked it. I hope this post will preserve the memory of their visit to Southend a little longer.
Wil - why thank you kind Sir!! Always a pleasure, never a chore!
ISBW - Funny isn't it, so many people love L&H, yet I know hardly any who like Chaplin... I've never got him either. Didn't get Buster either come to that. I do LOVE Harold Lloyd tho... almost as much as I love Stan and Ollie. He was a very clever and funny man.
You are so right about Stan. I've read so many nice things about him over the years...
Once Ollie died he never performed again. He spent the rest of his days comunicating with fans. He wrote thousands of letters in his final years, answering all manner of questions from curious fans. The fan mail used to arrive by the sack-load, he was always months behind, but insisted on reply to every single one.
You are right about him being listed in the phone book (he even gave out his actual current phone number in one of their films!), and amazingly, there was also a steady procession of fans who used to turn up at his door... and he walways brought them into his flat for a chat.
A great and humble guy.
A great piece, amazing to think there's all this history right on our doorstep. Good to see that someone is keeping it alive.
Thanks Martin - Glad you liked it!
Harry Day was my girlfriends Grandfather! Thanks for the post!
Harry Day was my girlfriends Grandfather! Thanks for the post!
Hi Daniel
I'd love to speak to you as I think we moved to harry and rose's house. I think that was the ladies name.
Could you maybe contact me ?
Do please let me know if it turns out that you are now living in that very house! Amazing!
I will no problem I find the whole thing absolutely fascinating.
I was standing In my front garden one afternoon when a lovely old man stopped me and told me the same thing and said it was my very house.
I wasn't sure wether to believe him or not ...
I used to love laurel and hardy as a kid so so much so it's a lovely story
I've just seen your reply I will get in touch!
Krombout@msn.com I've just emailed you!
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