If you're a regular, then you know I very rarely throw in a 'self centred' post. So i'm hoping you'll let me get away with one just this week??!
Following close on the heels of the blog, my wee fella Tommy was one year old last week. I know everyone always says it, but it seems impossible that a year has gone by this quickly. The oddest thing is that i can't really say that I noticed him change from a chubby faced baby into the little lad you see on the left! it just kinda happened day by day!
What also freaks me out is the incredible development that has gone on in such a short space of time. When I think how we (well ME anyway..) bumble around from year to year, not realing feeling any more inteligent than last year, just maybe a bit more haggard and tired... this chap has gone from a helpless tot to a little lad with a smattering of teeth, who can crawl at almost the speed of light, feed himself snacks, happily hold and drink his own bottle and waves like a good un! Throw in the odd 'dad-dad-dad-dad' and 'daisy' when the cat walks in (to be fair, when ANY of the cats walk in!) and that's some progress in twelve months. I'm also vaguely annoyed that in this short time he's also managed to become a hit with the ladies, and has set himself up with at least two girlfriends.
To think he may well be toddling by Christmas, and be a fully fledged 'little boy' by this time next year blows my mind! Happy Birthday Son!
Normal service will be resumed next week!
Peter George Cover Gallery
1 day ago
Oh look at the gorgeous little sguidget! Many Happy Returns. You do realise that year after year the other main development you notice is the accumulation of large mountains of brightly coloured plastic! I've just 'released' a whole load of it - the relief!
No need to apologise Piley. Having just seen the fella a couple of hours ago for the first time for a couple of months, I was knocked out how he now looks like a little lad and not a baby. He also was tuckin' into crisps by the handful and waving to everyone that passed by. Just wait until you have to help him with the homework. Not much call on Sputnik info in our education system I reckon.
Amazing is it really a year - blimey, well overdue for another visit - and you're only up the road too.
Happy Birthday to the not-so-little-anymore fella
Enjoy him!
It won't be long till he's, well, you!
I have a an almost 15 year old daughter and a 10 year old son... time flies!
He's better looking than Dad eh ??? :-).
thanks guys...
RM - oh the plastic tat is already building up nicely thank ya very much.. a lot of gastly bright yellow plastic in particular...
Warble - was good that you got bump into him the other day. I must point out tho (just in case the 'fat kid' police are reading this) that he was ACTUALLY munchin on organic sweetcorn snacks!! yes, really!!
PM - yes it really is, you about time you n yours got ya arses round here again!
Thanks Nazz - if this year has been anything to go by, I know you are right!!
Carl - yeah, and a better hit with the gals too ;-)
Ah nice one mate. They don't stay like that for long so make the most of it all. Enjoy.
He's a cutey alright!
Cute Piley, hope the card arrived ok. Is that a Bowiesque parting developing there ?!
I'm with you on the not feeling too different over the course of a year, particularly intelligence. Mind you it's not we have a great deal to work with in the first place !
Col, RE - Cheers guys, I think I got away with it!!
EF... now you come to mention it, there is a bit of late 70's Bowie going on there...
The card turned up right on cue sir! Thanks very much for that!
Piley, Many Happy Returns to young Tom. He is busily developing his own personality and will become cuter and more 'savvy' with each passing day. Believe me, The best is yet to come!
A bit belated but happy birthday to young Tommy. Just like everyone else I can't believe it's been a year already. Shame I didn't know earlier, he could have had my spare Motorhead ticket as a birthday treat.
Cheers Dave, I'll put you at the top of my rota for babysittin duties!!
Anon (Martin??!) - He's only really into Ace of Spades, so it'd been wasted on him anyway... ;-)
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