Martin Gordon (Sparks, Jet, Radio Stars, now solo artist); and
Chris Constantinou (Adam and the Ants, now lead singer and bass player in The Wolfmen)
who are both introducing their own animal related songs. Musicwise you'll hear tracks about cats, bunnies, horses, monkeys, birds, elephants and frogs!
Oh and did I mention TWO special guests??!
This podcast is now only available as an iTunes download. You can grab this and every other Podrophenia show for free here: Podrophenia on iTunes
The Official Martin Gordon website
Martin Gordon on MySpace
Buy Martin Gordon CDs at Amazon!
My interview with Martin Gordon can be found here and here
Official Wolfmen Website
Wolfmen on MySpace
The Wolfmen Blog!
Buy Wolfmen CDs at Amazon!
Oh and if you've stumbled onto this podcast for the first time, it's not too late to catch up with our previous shows, all still downloadable from the archives here:
Oh and did I mention TWO special guests??!
This podcast is now only available as an iTunes download. You can grab this and every other Podrophenia show for free here: Podrophenia on iTunes
The Official Martin Gordon website
Martin Gordon on MySpace
Buy Martin Gordon CDs at Amazon!
My interview with Martin Gordon can be found here and here
Official Wolfmen Website
Wolfmen on MySpace
The Wolfmen Blog!
Buy Wolfmen CDs at Amazon!
Oh and if you've stumbled onto this podcast for the first time, it's not too late to catch up with our previous shows, all still downloadable from the archives here:
Good stuff
Well done lads. This is fast becoming my favorite poddy show - next to my own of course!!! The Ron Wood bit has me cracking up.
Another good 'un Piley and Mondo.
And Piley, you truly have scored by forcing me to listen to Father & Son, a song which I've always thought was a load of dirge. Unfortunately I still think it is, but at least I've listened to it properly now.
The Wolfmen and Monkees tracks were excellent!
Thanks Furteron... glad you enjoyed it!
Axe - Why thank you kind sir! We're closing the net in on 'ol Woody... Keep tuned, think we may have a sigting less than 30 years old on the way...
Cocktails - Great, glad you liked it. Sorry bout F&S.... worth a try, and still better than Boyzone anyway!! I changed my Monkees track at the 11th hour, so glad you liked that one. Do please let us know if you see Ronnie Wood or any other celebs round your way!!
No Ronnie, but I saw Dave Rowntree crossing the road near my work recently. I think he's standing for election for City of London & Westminster next year so good to see him scoping the joint... He hasn't got a chance in hell unfortunately.
I got your e mail P but i'm sorry i didn't get to ear hole this before you put it up P , things have been well busy i'll try n tuck in this week.
Cocktails - it's a start tho isn't it??! And better than my sorry sighting of 'Barry from Eastenders' in Westcliff the other day!
Carl - No problem, as and when Sir, hope you enjoy it!
Alright Piley, loved the new poddy.Got an album or 7" sleeve that you've always loved, or really hated? Why not do your own version in pen, pencil, paint, collage or whatever takes your fancy and send it in to Sleevie Wonders for the world to marvel at. Come and visit, see what we've got so far, Mondo's had a go.
Cheers Coops, thanks for listening. Will be over to check out those Sleevie Wonders!
I saw a few posters at the Village Green event the other day which seem to indicate that Barry from Eastenders is starring in stage version of Porridge.
I was immediately both interested in it and deeply ashamed.
Should I seek professional help?
Best one so far in my eyes (ears?) with the special guests being the icing on the cake. Love the Wood watch and celebrity watch. Once saw Linda Lusardi wandering along London Road in Southend but, like Barry from Eastenders, she was appearing at Cliffs at the time so it was probably no great surprise. Still a bit gutted that she didn't recognise me though. I checked out some Martin Gordon stuff after your first interview. I wasn't too sure whether it would be my cup of tea at first but I have to say I've been listening to it ever since. There's definitely something about his stuff that keeps you wanting to have another listen. Standout track for me was, surprisingly, the Cat Stevens one. It had a bit of an emotional impact similar to what I got when listening to Harry Chapin's Cats in the Cradle.
The best poddie so far boys. Loved the Martin Gordon bit it was very funny. He is quite a character.
The music as always was excellent.
btw I have never seen Ron Wood although I can offer some more insight to the Average White Band incident.
They were playing at the Cliffs Pavillion and for soem reason (best known to themselves) BBC Essex thought it would be a good idea to do a 'Roadshow' at Tesco in Pitsea. Part of the deal was an interview with Hamish Stewart and some other geezer from AWB. I think they had been interviewed in more glamourous surroundings.
Sorry about the Barry from Eastenders comment yesterday evening - I'd had a snifter or two of Scottish wine.
Loved the podcast this week. Delighted, as ever, to get a shout-out about bacon-related goodness.
Some great tunes too. In fact, I think I might listen again, right now...
Dan - thanks for you bacon bits - Genius. I reckon we could get an entire poddy out of a bacon theme (if we stretch the motif to snapping point that is)- perhaps call it Hogrophenia
Dan (x2) - I feel your pain Sir. I guess being pulled in by a 'Barry from Eastenders' production must be a particular low for you... Yes, our podcasts are indeed a little like bacon, and you can't help but treat yourself to another slice ;-) Hope the replay (whilst sober) didn't ruin it for you!!!
Martin - Thats brilliant thanks! I think we need to start pooling these celeb spottings, the more mundane the better. Every Martin Gordon album is a winner, so if you havn't got the new one yet you are in for a real treat. Glad the Cat Stevens track worked for you too.... I feel less guilty for dropping it in now!
Marmite - Thanks for the AWB info... although we were hoping to squeeze another podcast out of that!! Damn, now we need to actually think of something!!!
Mondo - How about 10 'fish' related songs? Codrophenia???!
Bacon? Allow me to quote the Heebie-Jeebies immortal words: '
The world is very, very big
and bacon comes from a pig'.
I believe that says it all.
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