I now struggle to remember a time in my life before that pesky little 'blog alarm' was routinely going off in my head... you know the one "it's almost a week since your last post y'know, you better get cracking on a new one..." it goes, and makes you feel all guilty!
I know a few people thought this bloggin lark was gonna be a 'five minute wonder' for me (shame on you Dave W!), but I can honestly say I'm every bit as enthusiastic about it now as I was on this day last year. I've really enjoyed being able to get some of my old musings out, but the real bonus that I hadn't anticipated back then, has been meeting so many great new bloggin' buddies.
So thanks to all those who have continued to tune in and read my old waffle, and even bigger thanks to those who have actually contributed and commented over the last year - without who I know I would have turned it all in by now... finally, special thanks to Planet Mondo, for t'was he that got me bloggin in the 1st place.
Thanks P - I never realised, well here's to another year and what treats are on the agenda for the next 12 months?
Can't believe it's been a year already. Congratulations, it's been a bit of an eye opener for me reading this. All I need to do now is find time to listen to all the bands I'd never heard of, or forgotten about and read all the books/comics you've talked about.
Blogging is addictive, isn't it? Congrats on 1 year. Mine is coming up pretty soon too.
Nice one Piley old chap. You've helped make my blog experience worthwhile. Yes, I think we must have started on almost the same day. Let's lace dasies into each others hair!
cheers everyone.
PM - you didn't realise it was me blog birthday or you didn't realise it was your fault??!
Anon - gulp, sorry! It can be a costly experience at times!!
Thanks Heff - appreciate it mate.
Axe - top man, i've made you a frienship band so we can be blog buddies for always ;-)
Happy Blogday Piley. Bloggy bloggy bloggy - blog! blog! blog!
Happy Birthday Mr Blog here's to more entertaining and topical stuff in the years to come. Rock on sir. Carl.
Happy Berfdee Mr P. I've really enjoyed readin' yer blog.
Here's to the next umpteen years of Piley bloggin'.
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