Note the display has been completely unbothered by a single punter!

Note the display has been completely unbothered by a single punter!
begrime discuss | |
Definition: | (verb) Make soiled, filthy, or dirty. |
Synonyms: | bemire, colly, dirty, soil |
Usage: | Mother warned me not to begrime my clothes while playing outside. |
![]() ![]() Dust DevilsA dust devil is a rotating updraft that forms when hot air near the ground rises quickly through a small pocket of cooler, low-pressure air above it, picking up dust and debris as it spins. Formed most often over flat, barren terrain, dust devils are typically less than 3 ft (0.9 m) wide, reach maximum wind speeds of 45 mph (72 km/h), and dissipate in less than a minute. Though usually harmless, some are strong enough to pose a real danger. On what other planet have dust devils been observed? More... Discuss |
![]() ![]() Peace of Riga between Poland and Soviet Union (1921)When Poland declared its independence in 1918 in the aftermath of WWI, its borders—like many at that time—were not formally determined. By 1920, war had broken out over conflicting expansionist attempts between Soviet Russia and Poland, which wanted its 1772 border restored. The Peace of Riga treaty split contested land between Poland and the Soviets, setting the border and effectively halting Russian expansion into Europe. Where were Poles left on the wrong side of the border sent in the 1930s? More... Discuss |
![]() ![]() John Hoyer Updike (1932)Updike was a prolific American author whose novels and stories usually deal with the tensions and frustrations of middle-class life. Published between 1961 and 1990, his four famous "Rabbit" novels follow an ordinary American man through the latter decades of the 20th century. Updike is one of the few authors to have won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction more than once. He was also a respected literary critic who championed young authors and espoused what five rules for literary criticism? More... Discuss |
![]() ![]() Mary Shelley (1797-1851) Discuss |
Piley ol chap, I had my first Cadbury's Creme Egg on Dec 27th, bought from the petrol station. Yum yum!
Well to be fair we bought Christmas Cards in August whilst on our summer holiday!! Sorry I therefore acknowledge that we are the sort of idiots that continue to propagate this nonsense.
It'll get so that you are buying for Christmas before Easter and for Easter in summer!!!
My wife saw an Easter display in Sainsburys in Maidstone on 29th December. When she came back and told me I was suitably enraged! I just can't get my head round the fact that the pace of life is so fast - people aren't being allowed to enjoy occasions and to "stop and smell the coffee" (sorry for the cliche!) without the next marketing lead event is foisted upon us.
It is very sad isn't it ?. Like John say's we are pushed , rushed and sold things at such a rate. I hate it and i opt out, i just ignore it and do my thing. We live in a marketing world, fuck them. P.S. I firebombed that display only moments later :).
Aw, for the love of Jayzus. I feel sick just looking at that. Just in case people haven't eaten enough crap over Christmas, eh?? GAH!!!
Blimey - they usually kick off with Valentines overload first and phase Easter in from the 15th Feb.
Have you checked the sell by dates - could be last years punted out early
Thanks for the comments all, and a general exasperated sigh that most of you seemed to spot Easter stuff even earlier than me... in 2010 even!
I completely agree with Carl, and feel the 'stretching out' of these holiday seasons ultimately devalues them. I mean, by the time Christmas actually gets here, I'm just about fed up with it (having heard Shakin Stevens in just about every bloody shop for the last 8 weeks).
I will buy my Easter Eggs, erm, at Easter (or perhaps a few days before... hate it when the only ones left are all busted open and\or squashed!), and no clever clogs marketing manager will make me buy em any earlier.
Anyway, may I be the first to wish you all a very merry May bank holiday.
Good spot, must admit I have always found the Cadbury Mini Eggs Easter Egg is one of the harder ones to pick up nearer the Easter rush ! Perhaps you could let me know the location at some discrete point in the near future ......
Don't leave it too long EF, I'm on my way down to buy them all up
But surely E.F & Martin, you both know that mini eggs arn't really special, and are no more than spray painted Minstels??
The main Paperchase shop is selling Easter cards. Since when did anyone send Easter cards?!
World Cups in January. January Sales in December........just par for the course in this mad world.
I'm 50/50 on this one, of course its all getting earlier and earlier but it doesn't mean we have to panic buy months ahead if we don't want to. I remember a lady I used to work with who had 8 children, 25 grandchildren and several great grandkids, she had no choice but to start with the Christmas presents in July and Easter straight after, never mind birthdays, anniversaries etc! Just walk right past them Easter eggs Piley and don't let the little bastards bring you down ha!
Cocktails - MrsB sends Easter Cards - I'd never seen one before I met her.
I've got a Cadbury mini-eggs desert thing in my packed lunch today too!
Cocktails - Easter cards, by and large, were strictly for religious people to send. You used to have to go to a 'Christian bookshop' or similar to get them, but they have always been around. Not sure who else would really feel the need to send one.
Mind you, you can get a card for just about anything now, cat\dog birthday, and the most vulgar i've seen "congratulations on your divorce" cards. Nice.
Warble - Happy Thanksgiving...
JJ - yeah, I can see that I guess... although I couldn't be trusted with having chocolate sitting in the house that long!!!
Simon - Minstrels?? Mini Eggs??!!
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