At lunchtime I can access the site, and promptly delete all these outpourings of a imbecile, I change my comments settings so that I have to approve them before they go live, and that's that. Despite this, the hard of thinking still waste much of their valuable time submitting more random rubbish throughout the day! I take great delight in reviewing and deleting each one!
By the end of Thursday I'm delighted to see my hits counter top 500 for one day! (and close on 1000 page views!) I mean fair play to whoever it was who did this, I've pimped and hawked some of my posts on all sorts of websites and forums over the last year, but never to the success of 500 hits in a day! I start to think if I can employ this genius in the PR department here at Piley Towers. I turn in on Thursday evening a happy man, moderating the comments section is a small price to pay for such an increase in traffic! Friday again brings brisk business, although not as busy as Thursday, and the weekend stats too were well above average.
So, to whom it may concern, a sincere thank you for all your efforts in helping to promote this blog and all who sail in her, it's much appreciated. Fresh from the success of last weeks post, I'll shortly be starting a new feature where I knock other celebs with a hardcore following.
Next week: David Bowie, what a c%£$!
PS - Sorry to all regular comment providers, the 'moderating comments' setting will remain for the time being. Do please stick with it.
want to drive up your traffic? do a post saying that g.w. bush is a wonderful human being and that dick cheney drinks from the teat of human kindness.
Oh god - what a pain - hope it sorts itself out.
funnily enough I've just posted about Bowie - but not saying he's a count or anything like that
Those rubbish, moronic posts you deleted, a couple of them were mine you git :)
I think it might have been the work of the notorious Krankies mafia. You offended them too I recall!
It was probably Lydon mate !!!! (or Nora). Dont let the arse holes grind you down sir.
cheers everyone...
Nazz - surely NOBODY would believe that one eh?!
thanks RM - things will be back to normal some day (i hope!)
that's a great selection of treats you've got going over on your blog PM... quality toonage!
PH - i always had the sender down as a 'bit special', can't believe i didn't think of you much earlier (!). If it's the Karankies mafia i could be ok, if it's the Jimmy Cricket mob... i've had it.
ta Carl, i'll try to!
Oh how wonderful. I too have tried thsi trick without much sucsess. I might have to try it to see if can get my stats counter through the roof. Thanks for the heads up.
Hell, I'm use to being moderated, lol !
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