Friday, 25 February 2011

(Another) One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others....

Back in December I spotted a Christmas DVD display in WH Smiths, set up, I presume, by a member of staff who didn't have the widest knowledge of films.... or Christmas.... or both.

After the success of the Christmas campaign, this guy or gal must have become the talk of the retail trade... perhaps a 2 page spread in 'The Grocer' magazine. No doubt a bidding war to poach them soon commenced, with Sainsbury's being the winner in snapping up their services. How do I know? Well whilst in there this week, I spotted their new display of 'Family Fun' DVD's... no doubt set up to tie in with half term week.... But which one of their selection is likely to give little Jimmy a bit of a restless evening, and requests to have the hall light on all night???

Can't get it? OK, have a little zoom in then...



  1. Babe, that's just plain sick.

  2. When mum and dad ran the newsagents you'd get jokers who'd hide top shelfers in the gardening or People's Friend section...

    Yes spotted but will keep hush,apart from - that Britt Ekland scene isn't family viewing..

  3. PVC - don't call me babe, we've only just met.... ;-)

    Mondo - Yes, assume this is the work of similar jokers, but as with the Smiths one, completely legit as far a i'm concerned... I didn't do it!


  4. I used to hide Peoples Friend among the top shelfers.


  5. However, it looks like the remake is a knockabout comedy.

  6. hee hee!

    And imagine the poor parent, trying to dissuade the young child from selecting that exciting looking movie. 'Now, trust me,'Dora the Explorer' is a MUCH better film...'

  7. I do wonder about you sometimes, Piley. You might look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth, but...

  8. Cheers all, I'll keep my eyes peeled for any further schoolboy errors... ISBW are you insinuating that I created this photo opportunity?! How dare you!
