Thursday 11 June 2009

Take The Piley Challenge!

Quizzes are all the rage at the mo, and far be it from me to miss out on a bandwagon headin' my way!

So, woncha take a couple of minutes to try out the Piley Challenge? 10 multiple choice questions, EVERY answer has appeared in a blog post at one time or another, so lets see who the stalkers are out there!! If anyone gets 80% correct or over I'll stick the names in a hat and award a prize!! No idea what it'll be though!

Just click here and have a go... oh and it wont ask you for real names, e-mail addresses or any personal information (do please add a user name or nickname tho, so I know who to send the prize too!).

Readers of a certain age might like to watch this clip before starting the quiz... to really get themselves in the mood... (my quiz isn't from Norwich though, sorry...)

Good Luck!!



  1. 30--- shite :-)

    Live from Norwich

  2. Piley, I've only been over here recently and did not look back at any archives and got a 60%!


  3. I got 80% hey i know you but i'm not obsessed ok ha :-).


  4. LOL.... I've never been here before but I thought I'd try out your quiz...

    Plus I'm sitting at work with a Scotsman right next to me, so I figured I had a decent chance at some good guess on some of the uk related q's

    I guess I'll have to do like the quiz advice says and read up on some previous posts

  5. Oh bum, a mediocre 50%.

    Very interested in that tattoo...

  6. 80% couple of school boy errors but I know the tattoo one though - I've seen it..

  7. Further - eBalling??!! Can't believe you fell for that one!!! Cheers for having a go tho.

    Wil - Man, I LOVE it when a stalker is quick on the uptake ;-) You are either very lucky at multiple choice or I need to start worrying!

    Carl - I bet you got those 2 wrong on purpose, just so I didn't start to panic. You went for eBalling too huh?! I'm gonna have to invent eBalling now!

    Hi Jonny M - 30% is pretty good for someone who has never visited my blog before!! Thanks for having a go, and hope to see you back here sometime.

    I Should - As with all good PC 'sports days' and stuff, this is not about winning or losing, its about 'taking part' and camaraderie... or something ;-) You got the Sinatra ticket one right, which pretty much EVERYONE got wrong. Not a particularly faltering picture of me (I look like I just woke up after a heavy night!) or the tatt, but it's the only one I have! you can see me and Bettie here

    Mondo - Was counting on you man! We coulda rigged this quiz, you get 100%, I buy you a beer down the pub, everyone's happy... now I may have to find a prize for someone!!! ;-)

    Thanks too to everyone else who's had a go so far. Current scoreboard is as follows:

    1 Martin 80
    2 Bint 80
    3 Carl 80
    4 planet mondo 80
    5 mark 70
    6 Wil 60
    7 Chirsty 50
    8 JD 50
    9 why am i doing this? 50
    10 ISBW 50
    11 Some Guy 50
    12 Axe 40
    13 John 30
    14 Furtheron 30
    15 jonny m 30
    16 nazz nomad 20


  8. Jesus Piley, I'M SORRY.

    I deserve a spanking.

    - a SOLID 20 %, lol !

  9. It was Frank ticket and first gig I blew it on

    Word Veri was - dicluv! Yikes

  10. E Balling sounds so good i had to go for it. What was the other one i got wrong ? size of Piley's man hood ? (known only by Julie and a thousand turkish whores :-).


  11. Too many Gino's mate!
