Sunday, 19 April 2009

Drumming Up A Bit Of Business??

The fallout from the G20 riots in London earlier this month, continues to, well, fallout I guess. I don't want to get involved in the rights n wrongs of it all, there are many others much more qualified to do so... But whilst perusing the many thousands of photos that have appeared on-line, this one in particular caught my eye. Anyone else spot the irony??!



  1. "Got a broken rib? No, how about now..." I get it Piley; good catch!


  2. Very Good! Now, if we could only find one of a Community Support Officer laying about him (or her)..

    God knows what Shaw Taylor would've made of all this.

  3. Says it all really...she said desperately trying to contain the bee in her bonnet from escaping ;-)

  4. Maybe it's like the old NHS targets thing, he has to treat so many serious injuries successfully in a shift and he was a few short so to keep his job... :-)

  5. What pisses me off with these protests eerrr riots is that a lot of people turn out just for the aggro not the cause. Is throwing rocks really the best way to make a point ?. The coppers feel up against it and isolated and they lose it and lash out. Not right of course but how would we behave with 2.000 hooligans throwing shit and going for our throats ?. I'd fucking fight back. The poor guy who was killed just for hanging around is the one that up set me though, dead and for what ? just not going where the coppers wanted him to go. I hate that copper for that but i hate the mindless crusty wankers who just go there to hurt , vandalise and potentially kill too. Six of one half dozen of the other but this time it was a copper who killed. Would we all be as up set if it was a crusty killing a cop ?. Have a think about it ? , would you ?.


  6. Thanks everyone... Further, you were thinking just like me!!! It brought to mind those 'good news\bad news' jokes you used to hear as a kid... Bad News, I am, potentially, gonna smash your skull open... Good News, I carry bandages and aspirin!

    Carl - You make some sensible points. It's like the football aggro in the 70's... 30,000 people behave themselves, 100 idiots turn up to cause trouble, guess which ones make the news?

    I'm sure the vast majority of those who turned up were there for a peaceful protest, but there are definitely others who would have turned up just for the aggro (unfortunately, they are often people who have no interest in the cause, just keen on the opportunity). It's the minority who have caused the problem.

    The same can probably be said about the police, but the lairy ones have caught a cold this time... people turn up well armed these days, and I don't mean weapons... mobile phones, cameras, video cameras... and it has been their undoing this time.


  7. Perhaps his truncheon was actually full of Savlon?

  8. Its spending cuts - the police have economised and combined good cop and bad cop in one body!! he beats up people, but then he can give first aid after?

    From Jack gestures (forgotten his google id)

  9. Now I likes the idea of a Savlon centred truncheon!!

    Jack, a combined 'good cop bad cop' is a nice idea, and makes a change from the 'bad cop bad cop' variety at least...


  10. He probably wanted to practice his stitching.

    Seriously though the internet has really changed the reporting of this kind of protest. The police state that there is no hiding place for violent protesters because of CCTV. Thankfully it seems that there is no place to hide for violent police officers either.
