Saturday 30 August 2008

Nobody Likes To See That...

Thanks to my good mate Carl for e-mailing me this clip of some underground 'fight-club' kinda deal. I've been laughing at it ever since! I mean, nobody likes a show off right?



  1. Total top quality. I'm pissing myself. Thanks.

  2. Ha ha haaa chuffed you have put this on ya site. I laughed till juice ran down my leg when i saw it and every one i've shown it to reacts the same. It reminds me of that bit in Indiana Jones when the guy has that huge sword and is doing all these moves and Jones just pulls out a gun and shoots him , i cried laughing when i saw that too. No one likes a show off , knock 'im aaaaatttt . Carl

  3. Great stuff for posting this Piley and nice spot Carl. More fight stuff on your blog please Piley, perhaps 'fight Friday' or something would extend your growing audience !

  4. Hey Axe - good to see you again mate. Cheers, but the glory should go to Carl really!

    Ta for the tip top e-mail mate... any more, I have another post to do!!

    Colin 'fightin Friday' sounds like a possibility... my all time top 10 scraps... hmmm


  5. Geez, that guy was bound to lose anyway. He expelled to much energy showing off.

  6. An absolute classic Piley.

    I hope he felt like an absolute twat.

  7. It's certainly a classic! Glad everyone liked it. I might as well hang up my bloggin boots and just get my mate Carl to ghost-write it for me with all his iffy e-mails!


  8. IFFY ????? bloody cheek i only send you my best rubbish mate :-).

